GEOSS Resource Registration Issues and Alternatives

Open comments and discussion can be added to the issues identified below. These will be used to furnish input to a whitepaper that the SIF will publish near the ned of 2103 regarding registration alternatives. A draft of this paper will also be furnished to the folks attending a GEOSS Architecture meeting on September 20, 2013 at ESA/Frascati. The versions of the whitepaper are available as attachments to this page. When editing the document, please add your initials to your revision and either upload to this page or email to Steve Browdy(

Issue: Many resources are now being included in GEOSS search by registering with Discovery and Access Broker (DAB), and not through CSR

Issue: Resource Casting (crawling to identify resources based on provider's contact) can resolve this without requiring manual registration

We are proposing the creation of an special XML file that will be placed in a "known" constant folder in a institutional website. Let's say

We can suggest the idea that the special XML file can be automatically generated by a tool (e.g. xslt transformation) from some service that already exists and follows OGC or other standards that are self-described (e.g. CSW GetCapabilities, WMS GetCapabilities etc). This way the only thing providers have to do is automatically create (or update) the file and put the document in their website.

Note that an extension of this idea is to have a WAF in some place in the geosec services that can contain several of this special XMLs. Each time that a GEO member finds a interesting service, they could ask the GEOSEC to execute the tool and generate another file in the folder. This folder can be harvested by CSR. This way providers have to do nothing and the process becomes a user request (voluntary contribution). -- JoanMaso - 06 Sep 2013

Issue: Batch Processing (allowing data providers to generate an XML file containing all the metadata required for CSR registration for as many resources as desired)


To provide input or edit the whitepaper on GEOSS Registration Alternatives, please go the whitepaper page and contribute. At the top of the paper will be instructions on how to contribute.

-- DavidArctur - 23 Aug 2013
Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
GCI_ADD_Issue1.0.docxdocx GCI_ADD_Issue1.0.docx manage 4261.1 K 04 Nov 2013 - 14:46 SteveBrowdy This is the latest GCI Architecture Document from IN-03, but is not officially published yet.
GEOSS_Resource_Registration_Alternatives_v0.5.docdoc GEOSS_Resource_Registration_Alternatives_v0.5.doc manage 35.0 K 06 Sep 2013 - 13:28 SteveBrowdy  
PEG-dka_GEOSS_Resource_Registration_Alternatives_v0.6.docdoc PEG-dka_GEOSS_Resource_Registration_Alternatives_v0.6.doc manage 44.5 K 04 Oct 2013 - 13:19 SteveBrowdy  
PEG-dka_sfb_GEOSS_Resource_Registration_Alternatives_v0.7.docdoc PEG-dka_sfb_GEOSS_Resource_Registration_Alternatives_v0.7.doc manage 54.0 K 04 Oct 2013 - 13:19 SteveBrowdy  
PEG-dka_sfb_GEOSS_Resource_Registration_Alternatives_v0.71.docdoc PEG-dka_sfb_GEOSS_Resource_Registration_Alternatives_v0.71.doc manage 54.5 K 01 Nov 2013 - 12:42 SteveBrowdy  
Topic revision: r7 - 04 Nov 2013, SteveBrowdy

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